Logging In
How to I Register for an eCommerce Account
At the top of the page, click My Account - Create an Account. On the new page, select the first option for Industrial Aftermarket and then complete the required form fields.
You can shop and checkout as a guest while you are waiting for your account setup to be completed.

How do I login to my account?
At the top of the page, select My Account - Sign In. This will take you to the login page. Enter your email address and password or select "Forgot Password" if you need to reset your password.

I had an account on the Evoqua Advantage site, how do I login here?
All accounts on the Evoqua Advantage site were migrated to evoqua.com. If you do not know your login credentials, click here to reset your password. If the email that you enter is registered, you will receive an email with a link to create a new password.
How do I reset my password?
If you do not know your login credentials, click here to reset your password. If the email that you enter is registered, you will receive an email with a link to create a new password.

Accessing Account Information and Order History
How do I access my account information?
At the top of the page, select My Account - My Account. If you do not see that menu option, please ensure that you are already signed in.

Where can I view my stored shipping addresses?
Select My Account - My Account. Then select Contacts & Addresses from the left-side menu.
You will be able to view you stored shipping addresses, remove old addresses, add new addresses and change your default shippping address.
All of these steps as well as editing addresses can also be completed during the checkout process.

Where can I view my eCommerce Order History?
If you are in the account area, you can select eCommerce Orders from the left-side menu. Or from any page on the site, select My Account - My Orders to quickly reference your order history.

How can I view my order status / shipping information?
All customers will receive an order confirmation email and an additional email when their order is shipped.
Registered users can also view all of their order information in their online account for both eCommerce orders and orders placed via their sales reprentative.
What information is available for my online orders?
The online orders dashboard displays the details for all orders placed on evoqua.com. You can search by order number, part number, purchase order; and sort your orders by any column in the dashboard. If you have multiple contacts within your organization placing orders, you will be able to see those orders and sort by the contact who placed the order.

Can I download a pdf of the documents for my order?
You can access a pdf of your order documents from the My Accounts section. Select the order documents icon and adiditonal information will open for that order. You will now have a link to a pdf of your order confirmation and when available your delivery notice(s) and invoice(s) for that order.

Where can I view Order Details for my non-evoqua.com orders?
Visit My Account and then select Offline Orders. In this panel you can view orders placed on the Evoqua Advantage website and orders placed directly with your sales representative. Select a search date range and time period (up to 12 months in the past) to start the process.

Part Specific Questions
How do I find the part that I need?
Looking for a specific part? Use the search bar at the top of the screen to search by part number or name. If you can't locate the part on the site it may not be available for purchase yet in our ecommerce store, click here to submit a parts request and a sales representative will contact you to assist with your order.