Flow-Limiting Venturis
See All Pressure FiltersEvoqua’s Permutit® venturi flow meters are designed to limit flows in critical lines when downstream pressure diminishes unexpectedly.
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- Customized per your specifications
- Available in sizes 2” through 6” for weld-in or flange mounting
- Available with throat tap sets
- Multi-orifice designs offered
Evoqua’s Permutit® venturi flow meters are designed to limit flows in critical lines when downstream pressure diminishes unexpectedly.
- Customized per your specifications
- Available in sizes 2” through 6” for weld-in or flange mounting
- Available with throat tap sets
- Multi-orifice designs offered
When sudden decrease downstream pressure occurs due to a rupture, you need the proper equipment to limit flow. Evoqua’s Permutit® venturi flow meters are designed to limit flows in critical lines when downstream pressure diminishes unexpectedly.
Our Uniquely Designed Cavitating Venturis
To put it simply, our cavitating venturis are meant to choke flow conditions at a maximum predefined flow rate. Our venturi flow meters have a unique inlet curve profile and recovery cone, which help to limit erosion under these conditions. Additionally, these two features also ensure that mechanical integrity isn’t affected.
For your convenience and peace of mind, the units can be tested at site conditions (when required) to validate the design. We’re well-known for creating designs that allow us to test the systems at lower pressures in the testing lab, as well as predict limiting flows from the test data accurately.
Multi-Orifice Designs Available
Evoqua is also proud to provide multi-orifice designs, which perform the same function as our cavitating venturis. While they’re accuracy is lower. at predicting limiting flow or pressure drop as our cavitating venturis, these devices can be used when design flexibility is needed. Assemblies feature a number of orifices in series so that cavitation doesn’t occur at any stage. The total number of orifices needed is based on each design’s specifications. For your convenience, a removable orifice can be added, which allows us to fine-tune the performance on site or at a lab, ensuring similar accuracy of a cavitating venturi.
- Uncalibrated accuracy up to ±5% of flow rate or pressure
- Characteristics can be determined by an in-lab full pressure test
- More resistant to erosion and wear
- Custom designs ensure the devices can meet a variety of flow and application requirements