BioMag® System
See All Ballasted ClarificationBallasted activated sludge dramatically increases biological treatment capacity and helps meet ENR limits.
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- Simplicity and reliability, ballasting biological floc with magnetite dramatically increases secondary settling rates
- Up to triple the capacity, rapid and reliable settling
- Increased capacity and superior solids removal

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Ballasted activated sludge dramatically increases biological treatment capacity and helps meet ENR limits.
- Simplicity and reliability, ballasting biological floc with magnetite dramatically increases secondary settling rates
- Up to triple the capacity, rapid and reliable settling
- Increased capacity and superior solids removal
The innovative BioMag® system uses magnetite -- fully inert iron ore particles -- to enhance the clarification process. The system uses the world's fastest proven settling clarification technology for biological floc -- allowing capacity expansion and performance improvement with minimal plant modifications at the lowest cost possible. In fact, it consistently achieves a sludge volume index (SVI) of less than 50!
The BioMag system is primarily used to improve secondary wastewater treatment. It allows operators to control the sludge blanket, achieve high contaminant removal, and manage loads and flows.
Wastewater treatment facilities upgrade with the BioMag system to reduce the cost of complying with stringent new nutrient removal limits. In fact, Washington County, Maryland, recently decided to upgrade three of its facilities with the BioMag system.
- Easy to incorporate in virtually any type of activated sludge treatment…biological process operation remains unchanged
- BioMag system equipment is located in sidestream location (WAS stream) without impacting main liquid stream in the WWTP
- Magnetite is readily available (iron ore commodity), fully inert, non-abrasive (particle size is 10-15 microns), and magnetically retrievable (high recovery rates).
- BioMag system equipment is easy/simple to operate. The key peice of operating equipment has been successfully applied for decades in other industries.
- Evoqua has several mobile units that can help in challenging staged constructions, or temporarily alleviate issues related to poor settling sludge
- Fully automated
- Simplicity and reliability, ballasting biological floc with magnetite dramatically increases secondary settling rates eliminating bottlenecks to process greater loads, flows or both.
- Up to triple the capacity, rapid and reliable settling enables a 2 – 3x increase in MLSS concentrations without the risk of upset, and an equivalent increase in treatment capacity — all within existing bioreactors and clarifiers.
- Increased capacity and superior solids removal enable existing activated sludge systems to free up reactor capacity for multi-stage treatment processes, thereby enabling the removal of TN to ≤ 3.0 mg/L and TP to ≤ 0.2 mg/L without tertiary filters.
- The BioMag System continuously recovers and reuses up to 95% of the injected magnetite offering a cost-effective, sustainable process.
- Activated Sludge, Separation/Clarfication
- The BioMag System for Enhanced Secondary Treatment1.3 MB
- The BioMag® and CoMag® System Selected for Sturbridge, MA POTW162.2 KB
- Smithsburg, Md., BioMag Article91.9 KB
- Marlay-Taylor Water Reclamation Facility Leverages Water Technology to Meet ENR Standards763.3 KB
- Speedy Settling885.2 KB
- Utah Treatment Facility Uses Ballasted Activated Sludge Process to Shrink Footprint and Reduce Costs961.6 KB
- BioMag System Enables Lucrative Septage Handling903 KB
- Assessing Ballasted Activated Sludge for Wet Weather Flow Management3 MB
- BioMag Treatment of High Wet Weather Flows101.4 KB