CoMag® System
See All Ballasted ClarificationMagnetite systems for enhanced primary or tertiary treatment.
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- Efficiently reduces total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorus (TP), turbidity, color, pathogens, and metals far below conventional treatment, without the need for filters
- High-rate, ballasted clarification allows for smaller reaction and solids separation tanks, minimal power consumption and moderate chemical use
- The CoMag® System is easy to incorporate into existing tankage

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Magnetite systems for enhanced primary or tertiary treatment.
- Efficiently reduces total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorus (TP), turbidity, color, pathogens, and metals far below conventional treatment, without the need for filters
- High-rate, ballasted clarification allows for smaller reaction and solids separation tanks, minimal power consumption and moderate chemical use
- The CoMag® System is easy to incorporate into existing tankage
Simple and reliable, the CoMag® System uses magnetite to ballast conventional chemical floc, enhancing settling rates and increasing the performance of wastewater and water treatment operations. The high-density, magnetite ballasted floc flows into a modified compact high rate Lancy™ Solids Separator. To minimize the amount of solids escaping the unit, the solids separator is equipped with corrugated plate interceptor (CPI) packs. The solids separator is designed to maintain a sludge blanket in the hopper compartments under the CPI packs that act as a pre-filter.
In addition to achieving high rate clarification, the CoMag System employs a sludge recycle function to increase the system performance and the clarity of its effluent. Approximately 85% of the clarifier underflow is recirculated back to the system’s reaction tank. In the recirculation loop, sludge is processed through an inline, high-speed sheer mixer where the magnetite is liberated from the floc. The resulting two-part slurry is then passed under a magnetic recovery drum. The permanent and stationary magnets inside the drum help to capture 99+% of the magnetite and return it to the system. The sheered sludge, minus the magnetite, then flows to a filter press for sludge dewatering.
- Easy to incorporate into any type of coagulation/flocculation process
Can use with any type of clarifier (circular, rectangular, squircle, inclined plate/tube settlers) - Only ballasting technology with an internal recycle from clarifier underflow to process tanks that reduces chemical consumption
- Recycling promotes sludge densification and solids contact for better flocculation and sweeping effect in clarifiers to enhance capture of colloidal particles.
- Magnetite is dense (2X more dense than silica sand), readily available (iron ore commodity), fully inert (NSF certified for DW applications), not abrasive (particle size is 40-50 microns) and magnetically retrievable (high recovery rates.)
- Package plug and play offering for up to 300,000 gpd
- Easy to pilot—Evoqua has two pilot units available and has conducted 35-40 pilots.
- Rapid startup and quick process optimization for operation with frequent
- shut-down and re-starts
- Fully automated
- Continuously recovers and reuses up to 99+% of the injected magnetite, offering a sustainable process for lower OPEX
- Stability under shock loads – does not choke or plug; rapid startup and quick process optimization
- The high transmissivity of the CoMag System effluent reduces energy and operating costs of final purification
- Fully automated, requires minimum operator attention, easy to operate, core equipment has been used by industry for decades
- Package plug and play offering for up to 300,000 gpd
- Activated Sludge, Separation/Clarfication
- The CoMag System for Enhanced Primary and Tertiary Treatment1.4 MB
- Mobile CoMag Clarification System121.4 KB
- CoMag Industrial Data Sheet100.9 KB
- CoMag® System High-Performance Package Plants187 KB
- Solving Phosphorus Removal Challenges with Magnetite Ballasted Technology at Billerica, MA WastewaterTreatment Facility 497.6 KB
- Wisconsin CoMag System Phosphorus White Paper652.1 KB
- Concord, Mass., Study on Phosphorus with CoMag System577.1 KB
- Analysis of CoMag System Phosphorus Removal by Concord, Mass., Public Works Water & Sewer Division752.5 KB
The CoMag® System For Enhanced Primary And Tertiary Treatment
Increase capacity and enhance clarifier performance
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