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DuPont Amberlite Resin HPR4100 (CL) ANION [5CF]
Material: W2T863113DuPont Resin AmberLite HPR4100 (CL) Anion [5CF] 99113800. Fully compatible drop-in replacement. See technical facts for DOWEX™ UPCORE™ Mono A2-500 Cl, 81023.

DuPont Amberlite Resin HPR4700 (OH) ANION [5CF]
Material: W2T863295DuPont Resin AmberLite HPR4700 (OH) ANION [5CF] 99113820. Fully compatible drop-in replacement for DOWEX™ MARATHON™ 550A OH, 276023.

DuPont Amberlite Resin HPR4800 (CL) ANION [5CF]
Material: W2T863104DuPont Resin AmberLite HPR4800 (CL) Anion [5CF] 99113830. Fully compatible drop-in replacement. See technical facts for DOWEX™ UPCORE™ Mono A-500 Cl, 80573.

DuPont Amberlite Resin HPR4800 (OH) ANION [5CF]
Material: W2T863108DuPont Resin AmberLite HPR4800 (OH) Anion [5CF] 99113835. Fully compatible drop-in replacement for DOWEX™ MARATHON™ A OH, 122875.

DuPont Amberlite Resin HPR4811 (CL) ANION [5CF]
Material: W2T863216DuPont Resin AmberLite HPR4811 (CL) Anion [5CF] 99113839. Fully compatible drop-in replacement for DOWEX™ MARATHON™ 11 Cl, 184805.

DuPont Amberlite Resin HPR9200 (CL) ANION [5CF]
Material: W2T863212DuPont Resin AmberLite HPR9200 (CL) Anion [5CF] 99113887. Fully compatible drop-in replacement for DOWEX™ MARATHON™ MSA Cl, 122251

DuPont Amberlite Resin HPR550 (OH) ANION [5CF]
Material: W2T863300DuPont Resin AmberLite HPR550 (OH) Anion [5CF] 99113846 is a uniform particle size, gel, strong base Anion Exchange Resin for condensate polishing and mixed bed demineralization with applications for the Power Industry. Fully compatible drop-in replacement for DOWEX™ Monosphere™ 550A OH, 257467.

DuPont Amberlite Resin HPR650 (H) CATION [5CF]
Material: W2T863297DuPont Resin AmberLite HPR650 (H) Cation [5CF] 99113851. Fully compatible drop-in replacement for DOWEX™ Monosphere™ 650C H , 124120.

DuPont Amberlite Resin HPR7000 (FB) [7CF]
Material: W2T863330DuPont Resin AmberLite HPR7000 (FB) [7CF] 99114387. Fully compatible drop-in replacement for AmberLite™ IRA70RF , 10031177.
DuPont Amberlite Resin HPR9500 (FB) [5CF]
Material: W2T863210DuPont Resin AmberLite HPR9500 (FB) [5CF] 99113891. Fully compatible drop-in replacement. Significantly improved physical stability. Some users may experience lower operation capacity depending on system design. See technical facts for DOWEX™ MARATHON™ WBA-2, 122259