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Evoqua Standard Cation IX Resin Analysis
Material: W3TSP5138Standard Cation IX Resin Analysis (0.25 liter sample required). Includes total capacity, moisture, particle size, iron fouling, cleanup (as required), and Evaluation (SDI cations include %H).
- 0 is the minimum order quantity for this product. Please check quantity and add to cart again.

Resin Test Kit, Free w/Resin Analysis
Material: W3T213874Single Resin Test Kit Kit contains: 16 wide mouth 500 ml plastic bottles, sampling instructions and analysis request for m. Test kit is free when added to cart with Cation, Anion or Mixed Bed Resin Analysis.
If test kit only is ordered, $50 fee will be refunded when test order is placed RESINKITSINGLE

Standard Anion IX Resin Analysis
Material: W3TSP5140Standard Anion IX Resin Analysis (0.25 liter sample required). Includes Total Capacity, Moisture, Particle Size, Iron Fouling, Cleanup [as required], and Evaluation (SDI Anions include %OH).
- 0 is the minimum order quantity for this product. Please check quantity and add to cart again.

Standard Mixed Bed IX Resin Analysis
Material: W3TSP5142Standard Mixed Bed IX Resin Analysis (0.5-1.0 liter sample required). Includes Resin Separation plus Anion and Cation tests.
- 0 is the minimum order quantity for this product. Please check quantity and add to cart again.