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Wastewater Treatment Solutions in the Beverage Processing Industry

The role of aerobic and anaerobic treatment systems in meeting sustainability objectives

Join José Molina, Sr. Business Development Manager, on December 5th at 11:00 AM Eastern as he explores the role biological treatment systems play in helping beverage processing customers achieve environmental compliance, reduce operating costs, and attain corporate sustainability goals in our webinar on Wastewater Treatment Solutions in the Beverage Processing Industry. He will present two recent projects that utilize Xylem’s aerobic and anaerobic technologies, highlighting how these solutions support the evolving needs of the beverage industry.

In the first case study, a beverage company partnered with Evoqua Water Technologies (now part of Xylem) to design an upgraded wastewater treatment system for a flavor manufacturing plant. This treatment system was designed to handle an average of 56,000 gallons per day (with a peak capacity of 90,000 gallons), treating wastewater with an average BOD concentration of 1,690 mg/L, along with variable concentrations of total nitrogen and phosphorus. An aerobic membrane bioreactor (MBR) was developed to meet or exceed stringent sewer discharge water quality requirements while aligning with the company's sustainability objectives. Treatment objectives include 10 mg/L BOD5, 2 mg/L TSS, 5 mg/L total nitrogen, and 2 mg/L total phosphorus.

In the second case study, Xylem designed and implemented an anaerobic membrane bioreactor treatment system, enabling the customer to meet its production expansion goals while upholding its sustainability commitments. This solution not only supported the company’s reputation as a world-class beer producer, but also reinforced its role as an environmental steward and responsible water-user. The anaerobic treatment system, in this case, processes an average flow of 142,000 gpd with concentrations of 13,000 mg/L COD and 9,700 mg/L BOD5. What sets this system apart is its capability to handle brewery waste solids, including spent hops and yeast. The system can achieve an impressive 98–99% removal of COD and BOD from the raw wastewater, delivering effluent suitable for discharge into the city sewer. Additionally, the system recovers biogas as a source of green energy while generating minimal waste sludge.

José will review the design conditions, treatment objectives, and performance outcomes of each system, providing insights into how Xylem's solutions can help beverage companies thrive in a sustainable, cost-effective manner.

About the Presenter

José Molina, Sr. Business Development Manager, Xylem

José Molina is a business development manager with Xylem/Evoqua’s ADI Systems team. For close to 30 years, José has been involved in the design, development and start-up of anaerobic and aerobic treatment systems at multiple locations around the world, treating wastewaters from a variety of industries, with particular focus in the food and beverage processing industry.