The Marshall Fire devastated areas around Town of Superior, Colorado (“Superior”), and several thousand surrounding acres. Superior’s raw water reservoir was significantly affected by ash and debris. Following the fire, the municipal water supply suffered from substantial taste, odor, and color issues, which led to consumer complaints and quality concerns throughout the community. Superior needed to quickly find a solution to mitigate these water-related and consumer confidence issues [1, 2, 3].
A permanent granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorption system was planned, designed, and installed as part of the drinking water treatment plant within 4 months of initial concept.
" After the Marshall Fire, the Town of Superior had to act quickly to mitigate the taste, odor and color issues of our drinking water. Working with Dewberry, Corona Environmental Consulting, Garney Construction, and Evoqua Water Technologies made the process smooth and efficient. The system was designed and commissioned in a tight timeframe. The community is relieved to be drinking regular water again! "
After the GAC system was commissioned, Superior residents did not express any more complaints related to the taste, odor, and color of their drinking water. With a maximum flow rate of about 3,000 gpm, the GAC system is able to effectively produce high quality drinking water for a community of 15,000 people.
Keys to Success
- Effective partnerships among Superior, Corona Environmental Consulting, LLC, Dewberry, Garney Construction, and Evoqua Water Technologies, LLC
- Quick response of mobile equipment with proven GAC solutions
- Expertise of personnel to quickly commission the GAC system
" When supporting the Town of Superior, Colorado with efforts to recover from the devastating Marshall Fire, we knew implementing a full-scale GAC treatment system would provide needed treatment for their impacted water supply. Evoqua Water Technologies responded with their GAC system to meet the Town’s needs. They acted quickly to provide the system and meet the urgent need of Superior after their record-breaking wild fire. Evoqua worked effectively with the Town and team members to implement the system as quickly as possible. The installed GAC treatment system addressed the smokey odor concern. "

- Water Quality (Marshall Fire), Town of Superior - https://www.superiorcolorado.gov/departments/public-works-utilities/potable-water/smoky-water
- 1,084 homes in Louisville and Superior destroyed in Marshall Fire, says updated tally, Colorado Newsline - https://coloradonewsline.com/briefs/1084-homes-louisville-superior-destroyed-marshall-fire-updated-tally/
- Superior’s water tastes like smoke after Marshall Fire, Fox31/KVDR - https://kdvr.com/news/boulder-wildfire-marshall-fire/smoky-water-superior/