" I’ve worked for many aquatic centers, and often you will hear kids excited to enter an indoor water park saying that it smells like a pool. With the help of the team at Evoqua we just hear how the kids are excited to have fun. An indoor pool shouldn’t smell like an indoor pool. "
Hotels, Resorts, Spas & Health Clubs
A pool shouldn't smell like a pool
For the hospitality industry the pool is operationally the most under performing asset of the facility. Down time due to equipment failure is not an option and can leave a lasting impression on guests. With a wide array of disinfection and filtration solutions, Evoqua can help turn one of your largest expenditures into a profitable asset. We have been helping hotels and spas achieve operation excellence by improving water quality, tackling chlorine tolerant pathogens and reducing water and energy consumption. Whether the facility is indoor or outdoor, our filtration and disinfection systems have the quality and strength to excel at year-round high-performance operation.
Hotels, Resorts, Spas & Therapeutic Facilities Applications
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